Saturday, 14 May 2022

How can we improve the Recruting feature?

This is IMO one of the worst designed features in the game. In this post I want to talk about some of it's issues and suggest some solutions for them

Why do I think it’s an important feature?

Its objective is recruiting people to your clan, so you can play together (and battle together). It was designed to replace global chat, the most iconic removed feature. Even though recruiting through global wasn’t easy, it was better than it is now (using in-game features)

While scrolling through the "suggested players" tab and recruiting players, you will come across 3 main issues:

1 - The players have a full in-box. You can't invite them

2 - Their labels don’t match their playstyle

3 - The “suggested players” tab is a mess. You’ll see people with very different Town Hall levels, xp levels,...

4 and 5 are a bit more subjective

4 - Changes to the interface

5 - Lack of information and canceling invites

What can be improved to solve these issues?

Regarding #1: The solution would be to make players with a full in-box not appear in the “suggested players” tab. It would be a small detail, but it wouldn’t be as simple as it seems to implement. I would like to see this eventually happen, but it will not happen soon due to tecnical reasons and I can deal with it

Regarding #2: There isn’t a perfect solution for this problem. Afterall, the player is the only one that can change his own labels. But some things can be done. For example, one of the most useful tags in the game is the “Active daily” tab, because active players are the most desirable (at least in your own clan).

I suggest some kind of activity indicator is added to players automatically (for example, a label). Again, this could be a bit harder in the technical side of things, but definitely something helpful for the recruiting feature

Regarding #3: The solution for this problem should be very straightforward - add the option to order by Town Hall and XP level. Seems simple compared to the other stuff

The ones following are a bit more subjective

Regarding #4: IMO the interface needs some improvement. Currently there is a row with all the labels and you can filter players by selecting up to 3 labels. What should be changed? Similar to clan searching, an advanced button should be introduced. It would have the option for “any players” or “clanless players”. It would also have all the labels, but displayed in a more convenient way (similar to your profile labels). This would make player filtering in the "suggested players" tab much more organised

Regarding #5: Currently, the elders/co-leaders/leader don’t know some information I consider important. There should be some way to know how many invites are pending. I suggest creating a tab with the pending invites displayed. Again, Idk how challenging this would be in the technical side of things. In this tab, you would be able to see the names of the players displayed, similar to the clan display. It would also have a “cancel” button of the invite (in case you accidentally invited someone - it has happened to me several times) and how much time has passed since the player has received the invite. This information would be useful so the elders/co-leaders/leader have a better image on what’s going on with their potential new clan members

To conclude, the recruiting feature needs a rework. In this post I covered some of the things that can help solving the issue. These would make the use of the feature more simple and straightforward, while also giving the recruiting team a better idea of what’s going on. These ideas wouldn't solve the issue, but would at least help. I ask the people that have dealt with recruting to also share their thoughts about other things that can be introduced/changed. I do know some (or most) of these features would be a technical challenge, and some might not ever be a reality.

If you disagree with anything, leave your thoughts in the comments!

submitted by /u/MigLav_7
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