Friday, 13 May 2022

Things that should change/be implanted for Clan Capitol.

With this being the second weekend. I think we all are a bit more aware of what should be changed and what's good.

What should be changed:

1) Reseting the number of attacks you have every day. - I think we all can agree that 5-6 attacks for the WHOLE weekend is to little. While yes its mainly to keep people from getting way too much Cap Gold and maxing out near instantly, 5 just seems too few. My idea would be that your attacks would reset after a day and be given another five. However I think getting a sixth should stay as a one time thing for the weekend

2) Reducing the price to clear obstacles

- seems obvious, but having to spend so much just to make bases fit together better without scattering every is a pain. 

(Edits to come as more feedback comes in)

Edits: Only give up to 2 attacks after the first day. A full reset, as said in the comments, is too much.

What is good and should be implemented elsewhere:

1) mass upgrading walls - seeing that you upgrade ALL of the walls at once rather than one at a time is amazing. And honestly I want to see that implemented in the main village. I'd limit it to just walls but really like the idea of putting excess loot into a wall upgrade. It would be a slap in the face for those who have their walls maxed already, but for those who are still grinding for walls, this would make it nice to dump loot that can't be used.

2) multiple troop deployment (i.e. archers and minions) - while entirely necessary, it is very convenient to spawn groups of troops at once rather than one at a time. Yes you can just use multiple fingers, but having the ability to just have troops that do that automatically is nice.

3) guard posts in the main village - ok this one is already a thing with the CC but I like the idea of having one troop locked to a building as a psudo CC unit. Perhaps they could let you choose one troop from the barracks as this type of troop. (Of course this could become incredibly unbalanced cough cough super dragons *but limit it to ~1/2 of your CC troop capacity. That way you can't store obserd units at the barracks.

4) new traps in the main village - while my clan hasn't unlocked or gone up against any of the new traps yet, I love the concept of the log trap. Not sure how well these traps would do in the main village, but it be nice to see some kind of new trap.

submitted by /u/Najeeb1999
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