Monday, 24 October 2022

SUPERCELL “Support” is horrible.

So, I’ve gotten bored on my main account and decided I’d like to hop back on my alternate account to build it up as I’ve done several times in the past. But this time the security code I received on my alternate account was invalid. And when I try to resend another code it just sends me the same code. (Ex: I get 123 456 code then I request another code 5 minutes later and it’s still 123 456). After a day of this I decide to just talk to support see why my code is invalid as well as mention the potential bug. They start with completely ignoring my situation and simply reply with something along the lines of “we need your account name, clan name, exact exp, account hashtag”. Confused I decided to give them that although I mentioned I’m unsure of exact exp but I gave them the Level I was at with a rough estimate of exp because it’s been over a year since I last played on the account. They then said they were able to find it. Then they asked me more personal information about creation date, phone used to create it, the original name, etc. I gave them the phone info I used to create the account. I was unsure if I ever changed the name so I mentioned that. And gave them my state and city I created it in. (All this time I’m wondering why all of this? I am not trying to have them give me information on my account. I have access to it. I just want to know why I keep getting an invalid 6 digit code to log in.) The very next message is the bot telling me that I didn’t give enough information. As well as it telling me they believe I must be trying to steal the account. They not only banned my alt account according to what they said, but they also banned my main account for 31 days. (Mind you I am 100% positive on the info I gave being correct. So they banned me because I couldn’t recall the EXACT creation date as well as recalling if there was a name change. Which I’m pretty sure I never used.) I send an email to support directly from the email they accused me of trying to steal. All I got in return was “please utilize the in game support button. If you can’t access it try doing (then lists the steps to pressing the button for support in game.) To end this, if you don’t know every single bit of detail to your account including the date you made it, avoid support. It’s basically a fast pass to bans. I have had less information and regained access to much more important accounts. And if you’re making an account remember the date and I’d even go as far as to say the time you created the account because I’m pretty sure they would have asked that of me if I passed the second level of supercell’s speedrun banning your own account. Aka “support.”

submitted by /u/Smitisaurus
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