Friday, 12 May 2023

A practical solution to the donation issue.

There have been countless posts on this subreddit discussing the addition of separate army space dedicated specifically for donation troops. The issues with this idea are always pointed out, in that it devalues the 1-gem donation perk which is obtainable in the gold pass. This is a very valid reason for not adding it into the game.

An alternative solution to this which would significantly improve QOL, whilst keeping value in the 1-gem donation perk would be to have a system by which you can train troops for fulfilling a specific troop request. These troops could not be trained in advance, so one could not just amass a large amount of common troops for donation, but rather would be trained once you select them in the donation tab.

Essentially, when you open a request you have the option of gem donating, or to train troops for the request which are automatically sent after they have been trained. The training of donation troops would take priority over your own army's troops.

This would mean that there is still value in the 1-gem donation perk, as you can donate without wait time. Additionally, this could be paired with another system which can tell clanmates whether there is already somebody else training troops for their request, reducing the number of cases where you train troops for a request just to find that another clanmate fulfilled the request before you.

Please ask in the comments if there is anything that you would like me to clarify about my suggestion.

submitted by /u/ClearlyCylindrical
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