Random Super Healer Concept Art (I feel the need to include a picture with these)
I have a cool idea for a new super troop! I have not heard of any rumors regarding a confirmed concept for a super healer so I present mine!
The INFERNO Healer! (Super Healer)
- As the name suggests, this healer would shoot a healing beam similar to that of an inferno dragon.
- It would be an air troop so it would be vulnerable to black and red air mines.
- It would have hit-points equal to however many 3 healers of that level would have.
- It should cost 60 housing space. (a little more then 4 healers would)
- Most queen/warden walks take 5 healers, this housing space would give a cool risk/reward option of bringing less housing space but having the healing in 1 troop which make it more vulnerable, also it does not provide splash to would not be viable for smash.
- It would shoot a healing beam of similar range to the inferno dragon and move at the same speed of whatever target it is healing. (I know this could be potentially overpowered, the game developers would have to make a speed where it is viable for it's purpose but not too powerful)
- A balancing factor could be the beam's strength dwindles when the healer's health does, or even the beam resets when the healer takes damage or is in a poison spell.
- If the healer was pushed away from the troop it was healing, its beam would be extinguished and it would have to restart, it should prioritize going back to the troop it was previously healing if that troop is still alive. Sweepers and tornado spells would potentially be detrimental to this troop's value.
- The healing power could be equivalent/similar to that of an inferno tower at whatever level that healer was able to be used. (th11 level = th11 inferno towers)
Overall, I think this could switch up the super repetitive smash meta, and even provide us a creative way to smash bases that have single target inferno towers. 2 single target inferno towers would overpower 1 super-healed golem, but 1 would be held to the same stalemate that 5 electro-titans with 5 healers holds a multi-inferno to. I also like the idea of adding more big troops to the regular village - this could switch up the meta in a new way and provide for an array of new types of strategies.
- Super Healer could drop a tiny heal spell like the super valkyrie upon death.
- Super Healer gains more power in a heal spell.
Let me know what you think, drop your thoughts/ideas/suggestions in the comments!
Thanks for reading!
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