Thursday, 20 October 2022

Strategy vs Economy

I hope im able to get the point across with this post but hear me out, I had taken a break prior when Th 14 originally came out.

When returning I see the training costs have all disappeared... as I think of us at first would be really happy about this as it means more elixir for upgrades.

The issue its removing strategy, I logged on an old th7 account which typically never gets 3 starred but when I see the defence log its getting relatively hit with an all hog attack... this would have never happened back in the day as no th7 in their right mind would waste dark elixer like that. There are no more planning attacks, both strategy wise or budget, its just people throwing $#*& at a wall and hope it sticks.

Im sure they had to do this to get the filthy casuals to stop being so filthy... but what dp you guys think?

submitted by /u/K1LLAmanJARO
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