Thursday, 20 October 2022

The NEXT button is boring. Raids are fun.

Since the TH 15 update, I've played a little differently. I never hit "next" when I'm attacking. On my TH 15 accounts, I climbed back into Legend League, and that gave me the idea never to "next" anywhere that I'm attacking for stars. On an account down in Gold or Crystal, farming with baby dragons, I'll still look for easy loot. Everywhere else, I just take the first thing that pops up.

Since we don't buy troops with elixirs anymore, I don't worry about recouping the price of my army. Every raid is profitable, to some degree or other. I don't have to hit the boring "next" button until I find a raid that can pay for itself.

Browsing bases is boring. Searching for one I can really clobber is boring. I don't much care if I get one star or three. I just want to collect the win bonus and finish the daily bonus.

When "next" isn't boring, it's kind of stressful. Is the grass greener on the other side of that button, or is this offer the best I'm going to get? You have mere seconds to decide!

So I've lost the stress and frustration of the "next" button, and now I just do raids. Raids are fun! With all the time I save by not browsing bases, I might even make up the loot I lose by not browsing bases. Smarter people than I can maybe figure out the difference between a few carefully-selected raids or a few more lazily random ones, but mostly I don't care. I just like the game better this way.

Try it. If your heart breaks without the loving touch of the "next" button, it will still be there for you.

submitted by /u/kyleha
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